The flooded road near Warwick

“If I screw this up,” I said to Char, “I want it on video.”

Our AirBnB host had assured us that the road was only slightly flooded, and we’d also discovered that the only other way there would see us ride in the dark - it needed another 40 minutes on an unsealed road, while watching nervously for kangaroos quite literally jumping out at us.

So: time to try to ford it.

Great trip, even if I wished my bike was actually the BMW GS it dresses up as. We went from Brisbane to Warwick to stay up and watch the Geminid Meteor Shower with dark skies. Didn’t try for any pics of that though!

A motorbike loaded up for two.


Dad dug up a photo from my childhood, probably the one time they let me ride a quad bike, adding “You used not to be so careful…”

A child on a quad bike, utterly sending it into a body of water, creating a huge splash.

Maybe that’s why it was the only time. 🤔